Over time, landscape has transformed from a specific and framed image or representation to an immersive rendering as an all encompassing ambience. Our view of landscape has also expanded—not necessarily in precision (which, no doubt, would have been a desirable effect), but in a kaleidoscope-like manner. Now, landscape combines narrations, media and technologies, generating speculation, orientation and information.

Waiting Land is an occasion to look at landscape in the ‘real’ world. It’s a stub—an environment that stands in for some other functionality or place. A stub can simulate both behavior and form. It can follow a procedure. It can temporarily substitute something yet to happen. This stub is a testing ground: for the next natural onslaught, the next carcass to rise from oblivion, the inevitable amnesty, the transformation of concrete to gold—basic alchemy.

Read the full essay

Waiting Land has been exhibited in solo exhibitions at RACA Copenhagen, 2004, and CAMPO, Rome, 2107. The entire cycle was part of the second Biennale d’Architecture d’Orleans, YEARS OF SOLITUDE, 2019/20. Essays are published in Domus, IQD, and AnArchitektur, and reviews appeared with Quiet Lunch, Socks, Wallpaper, Abitare, among others. A limited and numbered print edition was published on the occasion of the exhibition at CAMPO in 2017.