Some 4000 CDs, collected since 2006. Installation views from the exhibition Archipelago—Splinters, Matter, and Evidence at Kunstraum Innsbruck, dimensions 6 x 9 m, 2015; and permanent installation in private collection, Berlin, dimensions 3 x 1,2 m, since 2008
Some 4000 CDs, collected since 2006. Installation views from the exhibition Archipelago—Splinters, Matter, and Evidence at Kunstraum Innsbruck, dimensions 6 x 9 m, 2015; and permanent installation in private collection, Berlin, dimensions 3 x 1,2 m, since 2008

An omnipresent and soon obsolete medium for storing and safeguarding data, compact discs were the means to broadcast and encrypt information. Round shiny objects, once treasured and protected, are let loose and exposed. Freed from spinning drives and vaults they supposedly lost their value, yet, is all free information dubious? The shift from medium to material is also the transition from one domain to another.
From private to public, object to assemblage, from one set of properties to the next—from what a thing does to what it is. In this new context the discs transfer another information, momentary movements, lights and drifts as glistening fragments. They circulate and reflect incidents and dynamics to become a real-time interface and a public release.
From private to public, object to assemblage, from one set of properties to the next—from what a thing does to what it is. In this new context the discs transfer another information, momentary movements, lights and drifts as glistening fragments. They circulate and reflect incidents and dynamics to become a real-time interface and a public release.