Changing Horses in Midstream, 406 skis, some sticks, terrain dimensions 160 x 200 m.
Installation view (detail), UM08 festival, Uckermark, 2008. Shown here: newsprint, unlimited edition
Changing Horses in Midstream, 406 skis, some sticks, terrain dimensions 160 x 200 m. Installation view (detail), UM08 festival, Uckermark, 2008. Shown here: newsprint, unlimited edition

When we took a walk across this landscape,
over smooth and drawn-out hills,
past unfathomable lakes and barns
resting on boulders and pebbles,
another image began to overlay itself to the view:
we would not have perceived all the differences
that separate one place from another,
that mark time and are marked by time.
Just one substance—ice
to the limits of a horizon hundreds of meters above us.
Changing Horses takes on the passage of time
as a perceivable manifestation of this landscape.
The moraine-scape is witness to the end of one state
and the emergence of another.
It is caught at the improbable junction of geological times,
to speak its histories and tell our stories.