As ubiquitous yet soon obsolete medium for publishing, storing and safeguarding data, CDs provide a means to project and divulge as well as a way to encrypt and hide. Once discarded, declassified, they are of no value. Is all free information worthless?
These round shiny objects, usually treasured and protected, locked up in vaults or spinning in drives, are now spread out, let loose, exposed. Their shift from medium to material corresponds to an essential translation from one domain into another: from private to public, from object to assemblage, from one set of properties to another—from what a thing does to what it is.
In this new context they register other information—movements, lights, drifts—and play it back translated, as iridescent shimmering fragments. They circulate, replay, and reflect circumstances and dynamics of an environment, becoming an interface in real-time, a public release.